Working women have always been the talk of the town. With the social growth of women’s status, additional responsibilities have also tended to barge in. With the rise of coworking spaces in Hyderabad and other parts of the nation, women’s participation has spiked up in recent times.


Due to challenging situations being created by the pandemic, the struggle has further intensified for working moms having kids. In view of their needs to balance their office and homes simultaneously, the best coworking spaces in India are now focussing on building children-friendly shared spaces.

Apart from having children specified facilities at work, the following changes can be implemented for creating the best coworking space in India centered around working moms:

  • Dedicated Layouts: We all require some space to maneuver around. All age groups have different needs for dedicated spaces. The coworking spaces in Hyderabad have now designed their shared offices in such a way that the toddlers and adults both can have a convenient time alike.
  • Hire Responsible & Trained Staff: We need to have responsible and trained people to look after small children and assume the role of a babysitter for constant supervision.
  • Offer Delicious and Healthy Food: Adults are known to work with coffee and snacks as their staple, but children need fresh and delicious food to stay contended. The coworking spaces in Hyderabad lay supreme emphasis on the right food to be available in the office.
  • Safety is Paramount: The key to having the Best Coworking Space in India ( is the assurance and confidence to parents that their children will be happy & safe. This way, working moms can focus on their work with ease without having to worry about their children.
  • Customized Packages: Depending upon the various needs, there should be an option to select a particular package according to one’s requirements.

Harmony and better work culture for our working moms with kids are sure to be seen with the correct implementation of these changes.